Monday, September 14, 2009

2 new pages are up

Click here to read 405-406!

If you wonder why we're only updating with two pages this time, we refer to our previous post which can be found here.

Monday, September 7, 2009


2 new pages are up! Click here to read them.

If you're wondering why there are only two pages this week (and not much happens in them, we know, we know...) it's because we're going to participate in a Swedish comics contest (with a chance of winning money = food on our humble table for at least 4 months) and we have to work on our entry for that contest and What Birds Know simultaneously.

We are going to make 15 pages and send it in before the 30th, and so far we have 2 finished pages and 2 inked... Hopefully we'll be able to make it in time, but we hope you understand that WBK updates might be a little sparse during September. We really don't want to go on another hiatus, though, so we thought it would be for the best that we at least updated with something every week... but it probably won't be 4 pages like it usually is. :/

Thank you for your patience!

If anyone is interested in the contest project, we... would love to tell you about it but unfortunately we're not allowed to publish stuff from it until the contest is over and fearing disqualification we've decided to say as little about it as possible. :P But we will post the comic here once the contest is over, okay? :)